A little book of Daily Grace expands to
a full heart as you receive and reflect, offering an uplifting cup of
mercy in your day to yourself and those around you. Anita and her
daughter, Hillary, share these devotions that will boost you to
explore further and allow God to fill you with joy and thanksgiving
at His bountifulness in any season of life. Just the right size to
take with you, I like how there are topic sections with 9-10
devotions within them ~ Embracing God's Passion; Practicing the Art
of Praise; Finding Victory in the Midst of Sorrow; Decluttering our
Spirits; Cultivating a Servant's Heart; Viewing Life from Heaven's
Porch; Reflecting the Beauty of Mercy; Discovering Who I Was Meant to
Be; and Hearing the Voice of God.
Joyful Abandon
"Truly, I say to you, unless you turnand become like children, you willnever enter the kingdom of heaven."Matthew 18:3 ESV
When Jesus' disciples asked Him who would be the greatest in the kingdom of heaven, He responded by calling a small child to Him and telling them that if they became humble like a little child, they would be the greatest in heaven. Contrary to the world's definition of greatness, Jesus was asking them to become lowly and meek, with a deep realization of their inability to achieve forgiveness through any effort of their own. Just as a child will throw herself at the foot of the Christmas tree to tear open her gifts, so should we approach Christ's grace with joyful abandon. ––HM
God, thank You for the free gift of
Help me to accept it without
inhibitions or fear.
--Daily Grace for Daily Life,
***Thank you to author Anita Higman for
this copy of Daily Grace for Daily Life. This review was
written in my own words. No other compensation was received.***

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