June 1877 ~ coming to America
Summary: Julianna is running for her life, and she hides in a crate on London's dock, only to be loaded onto a ship bound for America. During the voyage she falls in love with Capt. Daniel Sundberg when he treats her as a person and protects her from his crew, but his plans for the future do not include marrying a stowaway on his ship. -- Provided by the publisher.

Much research goes into my novels, so I'd like to thank the volunteers at the Wisconsin Maritime Museum who discussed clipper ships with me, as well as everyone over at the West Bend Public Library. I appreciate your time and support.
--Andrea Boeshaar
~*My two brothers-in-law live in West Bend, Wisconsin. Rolling hills, farmlands, and clear blue skies.*~ Lane Hill House
Now faith is the substance of things hoped for,
the evidence of things not seen.
--Hebrews 11:6
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Running for safety from what might happen to her, Miss Julianna Wayland nears the wharf. Finding a hiding place among the crates, she finds one empty.
Julianna vaulted over the side. Once within its narrow-slatted confines, she gathered her skirts and tucked her black dress around her ankles. Then she hunkered down. Her fingers found a thick layer of straw at the bottom of the crate, and on afterthought, she tossed it over her head and her back, hoping against hope that she wouldn't be found.Bound for New York City, Captain Daniel Sundberg waits for his Allegiance to be loaded and ready to be towed out of London's harbor and the order to hoist the sails and set out to sea. Usual fare for the almost three-week voyage ~ or is it? With last minute crew aboard, the cargo consisted of several tons of tallow and miscellaneous. The most irreplaceable this trip were several Old Master paintings bound for the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Or so it seems at the moment. Treasures to be uncovered; treasures of the heart and soul.
Seconds later a man's voice came upon her, and suddenly her hiding place jerked from side to side. Julianna's neck wrenched painfully, but she dared not make a peep.
"It's full, all right, Mr. Bentley."
"Fine. Fine. Now load 'er up, and ye can have the job."
Neither of the men sounded like Horace, and relief coursed through her. But before she could cry out and make her presence known, a lid clamped down over the top of the tall crate and was hammered into place.
--Threads of Faith, 3
Threads of Faith Book Two
Fabric of Time series
Historical Romance
Realms/Charisma Media
Stowaway. Waiting for the wind to change and a tug, Captain Sundberg cannot further be detained taking her to a port, or risk losing any of his crew, to reach New York harbor in scheduled time.
And Miss Julianna, what about her scheduled time? This is not a happenstance moment for her. It is a life change. Threads of faith will hold her in a woven fabric.
***Thank you to Charisma Media and Andrea Boeshaar for sending me a copy of Book Two in the Fabric of Time series ~ Threads of Faith ~ to read and review. No other compensation was received.***
Another one to add to my growing list of 'want to read'. Thanks for an enticing review, Kathleen!
ReplyDeleteI have reviewed all of this trilogy ~ Andrea Boeshaar is a detailed, fun, easy to read, flowing writer. Threads of Hope ~ Threads of Faith ~ Threads of Love