"Just as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, we too may live a new life." --Romans 6:4 |
Link to buy the book: http://ow.ly/cTF02
About the Book:
Abortion continues to be a hot topic in politics, women’s rights, and medical practice. But for the eight to ten million American Christian women who have had one, abortion is a spiritual issue as well, raising questions of life and death, heaven and hell, grief and loss.
Writing from her own experience, Kim Ketola sheds light on one of the darkest and most neglected personal issues of our time: the widespread need for healing and spiritual recovery after abortion. “After abortion brought the worst trouble into my life I had ever known,” writes Ketola, “I just couldn’t see my way free to believe in God’s love.”
With a compassionate heart, Ketola offers ten true stories of healing promise from the Bible to help women answer the most common spiritual torments they face: Is abortion a sin? Does God hate me? Where can I turn in my shame and distress? How could I ever tell anyone the truth? And more.
Inspired by Romans 6:4--“just as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, we too may live a new life"--this is a definitive resource to help women see themselves and God anew and--finally--to find spiritual healing.
Information for Live Webcast Event | Cradle My Heart:
In coordination with the launch of their fall releases, Kregel will be hosting a live webcast event on September 20 at 8 PM EDT featuring authors Kim Ketola (Cradle My Heart), Teske Drake (Hope for Today, Promises for Tomorrow), and Dawn Scott Jones (When a Woman You Love Was Abused).
The webcast will allow women to come together to share their struggles
and fears in order to move toward healing and hope. Women will able to
support one another and discuss shared experiences in a non-threatening,
open and loving environment.
Cat Hoort of Kregel says, "We are seeking to provide safe means for Christian women to be vulnerable with each other, to seek help and guidance from authors and counselors, and to find encouragement from those who have shared similar experiences. Our hope is that the Women Redeemed webcast will become a forum for hurting women as well as for those who can help. Kim, Teske, and Dawn are all survivors and their stories will surely inspire and equip other women to move toward healing and hope."
To register for the event, just click here. {https://www.facebook.com/KregelBooks/app_241719209283045}
Visit her website: www.cradlemyheart.org or send an email to kim@kimketola.com
About the Book:
Abortion continues to be a hot topic in politics, women’s rights, and medical practice. But for the eight to ten million American Christian women who have had one, abortion is a spiritual issue as well, raising questions of life and death, heaven and hell, grief and loss.
Writing from her own experience, Kim Ketola sheds light on one of the darkest and most neglected personal issues of our time: the widespread need for healing and spiritual recovery after abortion. “After abortion brought the worst trouble into my life I had ever known,” writes Ketola, “I just couldn’t see my way free to believe in God’s love.”
With a compassionate heart, Ketola offers ten true stories of healing promise from the Bible to help women answer the most common spiritual torments they face: Is abortion a sin? Does God hate me? Where can I turn in my shame and distress? How could I ever tell anyone the truth? And more.
Inspired by Romans 6:4--“just as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, we too may live a new life"--this is a definitive resource to help women see themselves and God anew and--finally--to find spiritual healing.
Information for Live Webcast Event | Cradle My Heart:
Cat Hoort of Kregel says, "We are seeking to provide safe means for Christian women to be vulnerable with each other, to seek help and guidance from authors and counselors, and to find encouragement from those who have shared similar experiences. Our hope is that the Women Redeemed webcast will become a forum for hurting women as well as for those who can help. Kim, Teske, and Dawn are all survivors and their stories will surely inspire and equip other women to move toward healing and hope."
To register for the event, just click here. {https://www.facebook.com/KregelBooks/app_241719209283045}
Visit her website: www.cradlemyheart.org or send an email to kim@kimketola.com
Ketola is a sought-after writer and motivational speaker with the Ruth
Graham and Friends conference. After thirty years in the broadcasting
industry, she founded a nonprofit organization through which she
presents professionally accredited conferences to equip counselors and
help individuals recover from the emotional and spiritual wounds of
abortion. Kim lives in Atlanta, Georgia.
Help after abortion on Cradle My Heart Radio:
If you've had an abortion, where can you share your story with someone
who will listen and understand, someone who will be a true friend in
faith? Join us for Cradle My Heart Radio Sunday evenings at 8 starting
September 9. Hosted by Kim Ketola author of Cradle My Heart, Finding
God's Love After Abortion. www.cradlemyheart.org
Litfuse Group Blog Tours:
My Review:
Here are the Contents of Cradle My Heart:
"Loving God and bowing to embrace his truth is meant to change us. It's meant to show us we had completely lost our way. Like someone lost in the woods, just wishing we had a different compass reading can never help us locate true north. Embracing reality and setting a new course is our only hope. Falling to the feet of Jesus, who can lead us home, is the only way. He is our guide, our spiritual compass, his kindness our door to God's presence and peace."You will find this book freeing in sharing how God has set free the captive. Whether you have had an abortion, know someone who has, or you are counseling someone, being brought back into His presence is the answer to questions man cannot answer. How loving and direct is this book to touch your heart and open to hearing His voice. No sin is greater than His redeeming sacrifice for us. He loves us with an everlasting love. We are His.
--Cradle My Heart, page 118
"When we let Jesus lead us then through repentance, new emotions pour forth. Rejoicing replaces grieving and love replaces languishing in guilt, regret, and remorse. We become eager to clear ourselves, alarmed about our sin, determined to stop harming others, and poised to live a new life (2 Cor. 7:10-11)."Biblical examples are given of those "who encountered Jesus and then fell, kneeled, or bowed down at His feet." (Ibid., p. 120.) How He loves us. There is a Reflect-Request-Respond at the end of each chapter.
--Cradle My Heart, page 119
In all their distress he too was distressed,
and the angel of his presence saved them.
In his love and mercy he redeemed them;
he lifted them up and carried them
all the days of old.
Isaiah 63:9
Here are the Contents of Cradle My Heart:
Foreward / Open Eyes and Hearts by Ruth Graham
Introduction / At the Heart of Things
Part One: Your Heart
1 An Examination / Do you want to get well?
2 An Invitation / What are you thirsting for?
3 An Open Conversation / Who are you listening to now?
Part Two: God's Heart
4 A Demonstration / Do you believe your heart can change?
5 A Realization / Can you believe this forgiveness?
6 A Restoration / Can you love again?
7 A Jubilation / Can you believe your baby is in heaven?
Part Three: The Whole Heart
8 A Consolation / Where have you laid him?
9 A Dedication / Will you rise again?
10 A Celebration / What would you give out of love?
Appendix A / Helpful Resources
Appendix B / Study and Discussion Questions
I received a copy of Cradle My Heart as part of the Litfuse Group Blog Tours in exchange for this review in my own words.
Introduction / At the Heart of Things
Part One: Your Heart
1 An Examination / Do you want to get well?
2 An Invitation / What are you thirsting for?
3 An Open Conversation / Who are you listening to now?
Part Two: God's Heart
4 A Demonstration / Do you believe your heart can change?
5 A Realization / Can you believe this forgiveness?
6 A Restoration / Can you love again?
7 A Jubilation / Can you believe your baby is in heaven?
Part Three: The Whole Heart
8 A Consolation / Where have you laid him?
9 A Dedication / Will you rise again?
10 A Celebration / What would you give out of love?
Appendix A / Helpful Resources
Appendix B / Study and Discussion Questions
I received a copy of Cradle My Heart as part of the Litfuse Group Blog Tours in exchange for this review in my own words.
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